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Banda Aceh – In order to welcome the Academic Year Even Semester 2023/2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Syiah Kuala University held an Academic Meeting on Tuesday (08/08/2023) at the FEB USK Conference Center starting at 10:30 AM until its conclusion. This event was attended by the Dean, Vice Dean, Professors, Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, and Faculty members of FEB USK. This activity is carried out at the beginning of each academic semester for the smooth conduct of the teaching and learning process, with the following agenda:

  1. Meeting on the implementation of the even semester teaching for the academic year 2023/2024.
  2. Announcement of outstanding faculty members at FEB USK for the year 2023.

This event was opened by Prof. Dr. Faisal, S.E., M.Si., M.A., who serves as the Dean of FEB USK. In his presentation, he conveyed that the conduct of the teaching and learning process for this semester is expected to proceed smoothly, including considering the possibility of opening classes in the afternoon to address classroom shortages.

The event then continued with the next agenda, which is the announcement of the best faculty members for the year 2023:

Outstanding faculty members at FEB USK for the year 2023 are:

  1. Dr. Suriani, S.E., M.Si.
  2. Dr. Muslim, S.E., MBA
  3. Dr. Indayani, S.E., M.Si.
Categories: Berita

Tim Web FEB USK 2023