Thanawit Bunsit ; PANAS Model is Used to Measure the Public WelfareThanawit Bunsit; Model PANAS Jamak Digunakan Untuk Mengukur Kesejahteraan

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Darussalam | Guest Lecture from Thanawit Bunsit , PhD on Friday March 7, 2014 lasted enthusiasticly . The event was attended by dozens of professors which was held in Faculty of Economics’ Convention Center, Unsyiah. Thanawit explained  about the process of data analysis and interpretation of research results by taking a topic of the impact of micro-credit assistance to public welfare , comparison between Thailand and Brazil residents.

In his presentation , the alumni of Baht British University describes the model of PANAS ( Positive Affect and Negative Affect ) on the effect of micro- lending to the public welfare . ” This PANAS model is commonly used to measure the level of social welfare by using 10 positive variables and 10 negative variables , ” he explained .

One of the participant, Sofyan Indris , SE , MBA who is conducting dissertation research is very enthusiastic about this event . “Unfortunately the time is very limited, actually we really need this kind of events and I look forward to the same opportunity in the future , ” he said . [ ]

translated by Dahlia

Darussalam | Kuliah tamu dari Thanawit Bunsit, PhD pada Jum’at 7 Maret 2014 berlangsung antusias. Acara yang diikuti oleh puluhan dosen ini dilaksanakan di Balai Sidang FEkon Unsyiah. Thanawit memaparkan tentang proses analisa data dan interpretasi hasil penelitian dengan mengambil topik dampak pemberian bantuan kredit mikro terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat, perbandingan antara masyarakat Thailand dan Brazil.
Dalam paparannya, alumni Baht University Inggris ini menjelaskan tentang model PANAS (Positive Affect and Negative Affect) tentang pengaruh pemberian kredit mikro terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. “Model PANAS ini umum digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan menggunakan 10 variabel positif dan 10 variabel negatif,” jelasnya.
Salah soeorang peserta, Sofyan Indris, SE, MBA yang sedang melakukan penelitian disertasi sangat antusias terhadap acara ini. “Sayang waktunya sedikit, kita sangat membutuhkan acara-acara seperti ini dan saya berharap dapat memperoleh kesempatan yang sama di kemudian hari,” paparnya. [ ]

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